Austin Dog Training and Behavior Services
IPO (formerly called Schutzhund)...what is it? It is a German originated sport that incorporates three phases - tracking, obedience, and protection. The sport is actually an evaluation of a dog's intelligence and utility.
IPO has evolved into a working dog sport that measures a dog's endurance, ability to scent, willingness to work, courage and trainability, and mental stability. This working dog sport offers handlers - novice to top level competitors - the opportunity to compete at all levels of competition. The sport demands teamwork between the dog and the handler.
French Ring and Mondioring are two of the most exciting dog sports to reach America. You'll see awesome jumping, complex obedience, and a hair-raising duel of speed, courage and wits between decoy and dog.
From the official USMRA website: Mondioring is an F.C.I. authorized international protection sport developed in the late 1980's by representatives from every major country with a protection sport. Mondioring has a series of exercises to be executed by the dog/handler team in the categories of obedience, agility (jumps), and protection. At the Mondioring III level, there are a total of 17 exercises, completed without interruption, and lasting approximately 45 minutes. Each trial (competition) is based on a theme - much like a theatre set up on a field. Props, scenarios, and distractions are placed at strategic points on the trial field. While the exercises remain the same from trial to trial, the order and the setup will change with each judge's own creativity. No two trials are ever alike, thus preventing the possibility of preparing the dog "by rote".
From the official NARA website: French Ring has been evolving into its present form in France for just about one century. Introduced to North America in 1986, it has been attracting a great deal of interest in the sport dog community. There are an every-growing number of clubs hosting trials. The North American Ring Sport Association is the governing organization and maintains a liaison with the parent French organization which operates under the auspices of the S.C.C (Societe Centrale Canine), the French equivalent of AKC. Titles earned here are recognized internationally. Recognized trials are now offered in several countries, including Mexico, Canada and other places.
We currently offer private lessons and Board and Train for IPO, FR, and MR.

ENOCH! Big dog, big heart, big grip.
Doing what he loved best!
Dave and Archer High Obedience 96 pts
South Central Region IPO/FH Championship
Karen and Jag High Obedience 96 pts
South Central Region IPO/FH Championship
Dave and Archer IPO3 Champions
South Central Region IPO/FH Championship